The Master of Puppets: The War of Souls Book 1

The Master of Puppets eBook Cover

When Jakari got orders taking her to a primitive alien world, she expected the mission to be like any other. Get in, eliminate the target and get out again. Instead, when she arrived, she found out that one of the leaders of the fascist Char Oram was there, seeking to turn the inhabitants into mindless soldiers that could tip the war in favor of the Char.

When Hayami Takahashi followed a strange woman down a dark street, all she wanted to do was make sure the woman didn’t wind up as the next victim of a kidnapping ring working the streets of Dallas. Instead, she found herself in the middle of a civil war between two factions of shape shifting cyborg aliens.

After Jakari saves Hayami from becoming a test subject in a Char lab, the two of them end up working together to try to stop a war that’s been raging for nine thousand years

Cover art by Jeanette Eileen Widjaja

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