Hearts of Heroes

Hearts of Heroes is an ongoing series focusing on the origins, relationships and adventures of extraordinary queer characters in a world filled with superheroes, supervillains, aliens, cops, criminals, angels, demons, dragons and other creatures from myth and legend.

Scatter: Hearts of Heroes 1

When Deputy US Marshall Danny Martin got a promotion, she thought she’d be leading her own fugitive retrieval team. Instead, she’s playing backup for an out lesbian superhero in Florida. If that were the weirdest part of the job, it wouldn’t be too bad, but when a mission gone wrong lands her thirty years in the past, Danny’s only hope is a Superhero who doesn’t want her around.

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Transistor: Hearts of Heroes 2

Transistor: Hearts of Heroes 2 Cover

After her Gender Confirmation Surgery, all Naomi wanted was a date with Anika, the girl she’d been crushing on for years. She got her wish, but the date ended with her getting stabbed by an Archanel. Now, armed with superpowers she barely understands, Naomi has to keep Anika safe from the archangel who’s out to kill her while they work desperately to prevent a second civil war in heaven.

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Aether: Hearts of Heroes 3

When a lab accident gives Maggie superpowers, she just wants to get them under control so she can go back to work and maybe catch the eye of the cute Speedster on the superhero team helping train her, but soon she finds herself in a race against time to stop the man who caused the accident from reverse engineering a dangerous piece of alien technology and selling it to the highest bidder.

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Rhapsody: Hearts of Heroes 4

Rhapsody: Hearts of Heroes 4 eBook Cover

(Coming July 15)

Megan never wanted to be a hero, but after being kidnapped and experimented on by the Supervillain crime syndicate known as the Unitarium, she doesn’t have much choice. Framed for murder, on the run from every superhero in the country, Megan’s only hope is the voice in her head. The voice of the very woman she’s supposed to have killed. A woman who claims to be an ancient red dragon named Eurion.